Saw Thrice at the Houston Verizon Center with Stephen last night. They were great, as usual, and they took things to the next level by wearing insanely bad-ass Star Wars costumes. Unfortunately, their set was cut pretty short so that Brand New could play two hours of monotonous shit. At one point during Brand New's set, Jesse Lacey told the crowd to essentially shut up so he could concentrate while he played solo on a 5 minute long teen-angst crybaby song. I'm pretty sure I heard him hit some wrong notes anyways.
Despite the fact that the tickets ended up being $33 (advertised as $23 on the web), we had to leave early because Brand New just sucked so much balls that we couldn't stand it any longer. Also, their costumes were cheesy black and white prison uniforms that probably cost $20 at Target. They must have put a lot of thought into them.
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