Sunday, December 20, 2009

At All Cost Final Show

Saw At All Cost's last show at Walter's last night. They were badass. Just like at the Chinese Star's show, I could hardly hear the vocals, although it may have been because we were standing to the side of the stage. I want to make sure that when Centaur Marauder plays people can hear the lyrics well. I also need to get one of those vocoder things that makes you sound like a robot.

We've been starting to look around for another amp to replace my little Marshall AVT50, which is a great amp but not really big enough to play shows. Also, I want something with lots of punch without being overly distorted.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Christmas break has arrived, and for us that means neglecting family and finishing our songs. Yesterday we finished Ghostlight, and I'm pretty sure it rocks. I'll post a rough recording soon. After spending so much time crafting the songs its becomes kind of difficult to consider them objectively once their done.

Man, we need money for equipment and stuff. That means we need to play shows. That means we need to finish our songs. I must go work on Cold Knight.