So we are starting to look for a solution to our crappy drums problem. We're hoping to find $750 just lying around, but until then we'll have to Frankenstein together a better kit. I'm going to try to sell some extraneous crap I have, but it might prove difficult. If only we could figure out some way to make money with music!
Over the weekend Stephen hipped me to the fact that Thrice's Dustin Kensrue's little brother is in a band called "Eye Alaska", which apparently is nearly as big as Thrice. I checked them out on MySpace Music, and they're not my cup of tea. Seems like there was a consensus that the lead singer is not cool, and that they appear to be a label-manufactured band. Very un-Thrice-like.
I just got through watching a music documentary show called 'Embedded' on Hulu. The show featured an L.A. indie band called Silversun Pickups, who I've never heard of before. Well, I was not that impressed with this band either. I did notice that their bass player is a girl, which surely adds to their popularity. I keep telling Grant and Stephen that we need a girl bass player but they say I'm crazy. No, you two are crazy. Two crazy homos.
I have also recently heard music I like. Enchanted Islands, the newest album by Beep Beep (Saddle Creek) is sooo great. I have been listening to this album relentlessly for about three weeks now. It's just so original, with amazing songwriting and guitar work. "I brush a pony's mane thinking of your hair drying in my arms." Need I say more? No, I need not.
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